Year 6

Welcome to the Class Page for Year Six.

Our staff team consists of Mrs Waring and Mrs Ware.

We would like to welcome you to the Class Page for Year 6. Here we hope to show you some of the exciting things that we have planned for this academic year and share with you the successes we have throughout the year.

Y6 Long Term Plan 24

This is an overview for the subjects studied in Y6 this academic year.

Class Newsletters are published to keep you up to date with events and curriculum coverage each half term in Year 6.

Newsletter Autumn 1 24

Newsletter Advent 2

The Rainforest Homework

Aut 1 Week 1

Aut 1 Week 2

Aut 1 Week 3

Aut 1 Week 4

Aut 1 Week 5

Aut 1 Week 6

Revolution Homework

Advent 2 Week 1

Advent 2 Week 2

Advent 2 Week 4

Between January and May, Year 6 will be set their homework through their SATS revision booklets. Please see Marvellous Me for the homework page numbers.

Celebration of the Word

Year 6 have been enjoying celebrating the Word of the Week through different pieces of scripture and thinking about how we can live these values out in our lives.


Attendance Winners!!

On 17th September, Y6 became the very first class attendance winners and were awarded with juice and a treat and the privilege of looking after Alan the Attendance Aardvark for the week! Fingers crossed we are winners again soon!

International Languages Day

Y6 celebrated International Languages Day by learning more about some European Languages they might learn in Secondary school. We also tried some French treats during our French lesson!!

Enrichment Day

This half term for our Enrichment Day we were lucky enough to have Premier Sports come in and teach us a new sport. This half term we played Lacrosse.

Broadleaves Community Outreach

Today we have visited the residents of Broadleaves with a Harvest offering of flowers and chocolates and introduced ourselves to the staff and residents there. We spent some time introducing ourselves and chatting to members of the community about the different things we have been enjoying in school. We will be back throughout the year to spend more time with our new Broadleaves friends.

Revolution Topic Launch

This week, Y6 have launched their new topic ‘Revolution’ which is all about the Victorians and the Industrial Revolution. We trialed a day in ‘Victorian School’ learning about the similarities and differences, trying some lessons and food and even serving some Victorian punishments!

Year 6 Music Performance

Year 6 have been learning and practicing a musical performance with their music teacher Mrs Taylor. They have

their piece and performed it this week showing the amazing progress they have made this term!