School Uniform

Uniform Policy

This policy has been drawn up with the full agreement of the Governing Body.  Children will be expected to wear school uniform at all times, keeping tidy and smart (It is not compulsory for Nursery).  Ties and book bags are available at the school office, uniform can be ordered via our local supplier (Sue Burkett) at school office or via myclothing limited online (search school postcode NG22 9JE).

Shoes should be black (not trainers).  In the winter pupils may wear black, simple boots.


Grey/ Black trousers, Skirt (knee-high in length) or Pinafore

White Shirt

School Tie

Navy Jumper/Cardigan (optional logo)

White or grey socks or tights


Children may wear Winter uniform in the Summer and plain black shoes (no trainers)

Grey/ Black Trousers/Shorts

Short sleeve white blouse/ shirt

School tie

White or grey socks

Navy gingham summer dress (no tie required)

PE Clothing

Plain White T-Shirt or Logo printed

Navy Sweatshirt/ tracksuit (colder weather)

Plain navy/ black Jogging bottoms/ leggings (colder weather)

Black/ navy shorts

Black plimsolls/ trainers – slip on/ lace tie

On PE days, children may come to school in their PE kit for the day, but this MUST meet the above criteria.

Personal Appearance

No exaggerated hairstyles (including colours and shaved lines)

Shoulder length hair and longer should be tied back

Hair Accessories should be small and subtle.

No Nail Varnish


Pupils are allowed to wear studs only.  Earrings are not to be worn during PE.  If newly pierced ears have not healed participation in PE lessons will not be allowed until the earrings can be removed.  Class teachers give details of PE lessons at the start of an academic year so that earrings can be removed at home and not worn on that day if your child is unable to take them out for them self.

Book Bags

Your child will need a small Book Bag to bring their book and Home/School Contact Book into school.  These are available from the school office.