Catholic Life
We think about how our actions ‘benefit all’
We organise lots of charity events
We hold services both at school and in community
We support local heroes
- We support our Catholic Curriculum – Come and See, with learning activities and experiences.
- We have a number of wonderful permanent art pieces from projects with professional artists. Some of these remind us of our Catholic identity.
- We support a range of local, national and international charities and causes.
- We celebrate the diverse community in which we live.
- Advent and Lent are busy and important times in our school year.
- We join with the whole church community in celebrating our faith.
- We learn to recognise the world in which we live and the differences and similarities we share with other faiths. In Year 5 and 6 we enjoy a Multi Faith trip to visit a Mosque, a Mandir and a Synagogue in Leicester.
- We learn about the leadership of our own Church.
- We prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
- We pray together.
- We play together.