Lateness, absences and school closure

If your child is arriving late (after 8.45am when the main doors are closed for security reasons), please bring them to the main office to be signed in.

For any medical appointments during the school day, please show the School Office evidence of appointment booking or confirmation letter.

If your child is ill, please phone the school office or email before 9.15am with relevant information of the absence.

Please note, school does not authorise any holidays during term time.

Emergency School Closure Procedure

Any decision is made through consultation between the senior management of the school, the chair of Governors, the school site Manager and other local establishments.

The decision is immediately posted onto the school website – www.

BBC radio Nottingham are informed and announcements made during their morning programme.

Website also lists all school closures in Nottingham.

Email and Marvelous Me messages will be used to inform parents of any School closure. Remember to inform the school office regarding any change in contact numbers and emergency details.